Tuesday, October 5, 2010

October 5 - Day 3 - RIU Caribe

Mom woke up and turned on Good Morning America to find out what the weather was going to be like. However, they don't provide the weather for Cancun! She never even tried to find the local weather.

Breakfast was uneventful. We went to the buffet, and it was good.

Pool Time
After breakfast we went to the pool. It was so windy out, and not that hot though. I thought the water was cold. We read for a little while.

Plaza Las Americas
We decided to go back to the mall. Fortunately we did, because they had the boots that I wanted at the other mall and I bought them in black (although I wanted grey). I can't wait to wear them to work on Friday. \A taxi pulled up in front of the resort and offered to take us there for $4.00, so we did that, but on the way back, we took the bus. We spotted another casino from the bus. I told mom that we could go, but she didn't want to.

I thought I could lay out on the balcony, but there wasn't any sun, so I went down by the pool while mom took a nap. It was so windy though, I thought I was going to become a kite!

Mom was excited that her soap opera was on T.V.

Dinner was at the buffet tonight. They had a survey regarding the service at the resort. They had chocolate fondue with strawberries and marshmallows for dessert.

They have vendors in the lobby selling their goods. Mom and I checked it out before dinner, but nothing exciting. It gave us something to do.

Mom freaked out when one of the vendors gave her a price! It was in Pesos!...It's not like she hasn't been here for a few days or ever before!

Mom stayed in the lobby while I went to get my laptop, and by the time I returned, she said she was going upstairs. She said she had another stomach ache. I think she ate too many vegetables.

Did I mention that the lobby is non-smoking? I love it!

Lip Sync Show
The show tonight was very good. They did the Village People, Queen, Celine Dion, the Bee Gees, Michael Jackson, and more!

After the show, the entertainers took a bus load of people to Senor Frogs...each night, they go to a different club.
Instead, mom and I listed to the band in the lobby.

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